Dear Donors,
We are incredibly thankful, blessed, and excited to share with you how the Lord has been working here at Fairhaven Rescue Mission:
We’re grateful that you continue to help us bring the Lord’s vision for Fairhaven to fruition! As Christians, we are called to help the poor, the less fortunate, the hurting and homeless – and this includes women and children. For the past few months, we’ve had our doors open to women and families for both dinner and chapel services. This is another step toward transforming even more lives in the name of Jesus.
Your generosity enables us to serve the Lord in ways like this that reach as much of our struggling neighbors as possible. Together, we’re providing men, women and families with hundreds of meals and a chance to hear the Gospel, which is where real change starts.
Thank you for serving alongside us in our 40+ year journey of Changing Lives through the Love and Good News of Jesus.
The homeless and hungry depend on Fairhaven to meet their physical and spiritual needs. They come to us looking for someone to care—someone to lend a hand—as many of them have no one else. It’s because of your faithful contributions that we are able to successfully provide these needs and share the message of Jesus.
We give the glory to God for all He has done to help serve and guide this mission. And despite any challenges we may face, we are still continually able to nourish and minister wounded souls with the help of friends like you.
We thank you once again for your sacrificial giving and powerful prayers.
In His Service,
Alan Johnson
Executive Director